=== Custom post types === Contributors: totalpressorg, andreadegiovine Tags: custom post types, custom post type, post type, cpt, custom taxonomy, create post type, register post type, manage post type, custom fields, custom templates, field, template, extends, customize Donate link: https://totalpress.org/donate?utm_source=wordpress_org&utm_medium=plugin_page&utm_campaign=custom_post_types Requires at least: 4.0 Tested up to: 5.8 Stable tag: 3.0.7 Requires PHP: 5.6 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Custom post types, custom taxonomies, custom fields and custom templates easily, directly from the WordPress dashboard without writing code. == Description == "**Custom post types**" is the only completely **free WordPress plugin** that lets you: * create custom post types; * create custom taxonomies (eg: categories, tags, etc.); * create custom fields; * create custom templates; directly from the WordPress dashboard without writing code or editing files manually in a few minutes. The "**Custom post types**" plugin has been designed to make many advanced CMS features simple and accessible to everyone, without any technical knowledge or programming languages. Respecting the true nature of CMS (speed and ease of use). This plugin is perfect for: **web agencies**, **freelance developers**, **WordPress fans** and anyone else! The developer's ongoing work guarantees **maximum compatibility with themes** (compatible with 75% of the themes on the network), **plugins** and **page builders**. The plugin uses functions and resources already present in the WordPress core, this guarantees **maximum performance in terms of speed and security**. To report bugs, malfunctions, compatibility problems or send suggestions write to the [support section](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/custom-post-types/ "Plugin support"). Other similar plugins use many resources and external functions that affect the performance and security of the CMS. Why use external resources or custom functions if the WordPress core already includes everything you need? "**Custom post types**" includes everything necessary for maximum customization of the CMS so as to adapt it to any type of project in a professional and extremely simple and fast way (ecommerce, hotel, restaurant, events, portfolio, community, etc.). **What else? What are you waiting for? Start now!** Do you like the **Custom post types** plugin? Leave a [5-Star Review](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/custom-post-types/reviews/?filter=5 "Write Review") to recommend it to other users. == SUPPORT THE PROJECT == ❤ **[WRITE A REVIEW](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/custom-post-types/reviews/?filter=5 "Write Review")** ❤ **[SEND A DONATION](https://totalpress.org/donate?utm_source=wordpress_org&utm_medium=plugin_page&utm_campaign=custom_post_types "Send a donation")** ❤ **[BECOME PRO](https://totalpress.org/plugins/custom-post-types?utm_source=wordpress_org&utm_medium=plugin_page&utm_campaign=custom_post_types "Become PRO")** (support and get benefits) ❤ **[BECOME TRANSLATION CONTRIBUTOR](https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/custom-post-types/ "Translations project page")** == QUICK LINKS == * **[SUPPORT](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/custom-post-types/ "Support page")** * **[DOCUMENTATION](https://totalpress.org/docs/custom-post-types.html?utm_source=wordpress_org&utm_medium=plugin_page&utm_campaign=custom_post_types "Plugin documentation")** * **[SEND SUGGESTIONS](https://totalpress.org/support?subject=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.andreadegiovine.it%2Fdownload%2Fcustom-post-types&utm_source=wordpress_org&utm_medium=plugin_page&utm_campaign=custom_post_types "Send your suggestions")** == ⚡ Custom post types - PRO FEATURES ⚡ == ✔ **EXPORT** ALL SETTINGS ✔ **IMPORT** ALL SETTINGS ✔ UNLIMITED **PRO UPDATES** ✔ **PRO SUPPORT** PRIORITY == Custom post types - Create post type & taxonomy (1:33) == In this video you can see how simple it is to create custom post types and custom taxonomies with the "Custom post types" plugin. I created a custom post type and a taxonomy in **just over 1 minute**. **Do not you believe it? Watch it!** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yjNF7TfDmFo == Custom post types - Create custom field (1:31) == In this video you can see how simple it is to create custom fields with the "Custom post types" plugin. I created some custom fields in **just over 2 minutes**. **Do not you believe it? Watch it!** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5mITq0oR99M Types of custom fields: * text; * number; * textarea; * textarea + TinyMCE; * email; * dropdown; * checkbox list; * date; * time; * file upload; * image upload; * taxonomy relationship; * posts relationship; * repeater; and many other types coming. == Custom post types - Create custom template (1:52) == In this video you can see how simple it is to create custom templates with the "Custom post types" plugin. I created a custom template in **just over 2 minutes**. I used the "Twenty Nineteen" and Gutenberg builder, you can design the template using the page builder of your theme (see compatibility, if your theme is not compatible send a request to the developer in the support section) or using HTML code. **Do not you believe it? Watch it!** https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vWMPlbmFSDc **100% compatible with many themes, for example:** * [Avada](https://avada.theme-fusion.com/ "Theme page"); * [OceanWP](https://wordpress.org/themes/oceanwp/ "Theme page"); * [Astra](https://wordpress.org/themes/astra/ "Theme page"); * [Blocksy](https://wordpress.org/themes/blocksy/ "Theme page"); * [X Theme](https://theme.co/ "Theme page"); * [Enfold](https://kriesi.at/themes/enfold-overview/ "Theme page"); * [BuddyBoss](https://www.buddyboss.com/ "Theme page"); * [Flatsome](https://flatsome3.uxthemes.com/ "Theme page"); * [Kadence WP themes](https://www.kadencewp.com/ "Theme page"); **and other fantastic free or paid themes.** You can create fantastic custom templates using HTML code or any page builder, even Gutenberg. This is a beta feature, please ask the developer for any questions. == Why choose Custom post types plugin == **"Custom post types" is free** and will save you time, and therefore money! You can create post types, taxonomies, custom fields and templates easily in 5 minutes. The "Custom post types" plugin generates various IDs, you can use these IDs to create / use in **your own custom functions**, custom templates and more. This plugin is written using only **functions included in the WordPress core**, so it does **not reduce the performance of your website** and does **not cause compatibility problems**. You can use the "Custom post types" plugin with **any theme builder**, with any theme and with **any plugin**. It's perfect! == Custom post types features == Features included in the "Custom post types" plugin: * create / edit custom post types; * create / edit custom taxonomies; * create / edit custom fields; * create / edit custom templates. Upcoming features: * Compatibility integration of various page builders ([send builder compatibility request](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/custom-post-types/ "Plugin support page")). == Custom post types SHORTCODE == `[cpt-field key="field_XXXX"]` Shows the value of a specific field when creating templates. `[cpt-terms key="tax_XXXX"]` Shows the list of terms used for a specific taxonomy in a post when creating templates. == Custom post types development functions == Using the "Custom post types" plugin you will have some PHP functions that you can use in your files: [DOCUMENTATION FOR DEVELOPER](https://totalpress.org/docs/custom-post-types.html?utm_source=wordpress_org&utm_medium=plugin_page&utm_campaign=custom_post_types "Plugin documentation") Do you need other functions? Ask the developer from the support section. == Custom post types credits == The "Custom post types" plugin was entirely **designed and created by Andrea De Giovine**. If you like the idea and want to support the developer, please [Donate to this plugin](https://totalpress.org/donate?utm_source=wordpress_org&utm_medium=plugin_page&utm_campaign=custom_post_types "send donation"). For **collaborations** and **consultations** visit the website of the [freelance web developer](https://www.andreadegiovine.it/?utm_source=wordpress_org&utm_medium=plugin_page_text&utm_campaign=custom_post_types "Web developer freelance"). For **bug reports** and **support for this plugin**, visit the [Support](https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/custom-post-types/ "Support") section to ask the developer and the community directly. == Translation Contributors == The users below contributed to the translation of the fantastic **Custom post types** plugin for WordPress: [ **it_IT** ] * [Andrea De Giovine](https://profiles.wordpress.org/andreadegiovine/ "Visit user profile"); [ **es_ES** ] * [Andrea De Giovine](https://profiles.wordpress.org/andreadegiovine/ "Visit user profile"); * [Yordan Soares](https://profiles.wordpress.org/yordansoares/ "Visit user profile"); * [Fernando Tellado](https://profiles.wordpress.org/fernandot/ "Visit user profile"); * [Nilo Velez](https://profiles.wordpress.org/nilovelez/ "Visit user profile"); * [Javier Esteban](https://profiles.wordpress.org/nobnob/ "Visit user profile"); [ **de_DE** ] * [Andrea De Giovine](https://profiles.wordpress.org/andreadegiovine/ "Visit user profile"); * [Dominik Schilling](https://profiles.wordpress.org/ocean90/ "Visit user profile"); [ **fr_FR** ] * [Andrea De Giovine](https://profiles.wordpress.org/andreadegiovine/ "Visit user profile"); * [fxbenard](https://profiles.wordpress.org/fxbenard/ "Visit user profile"); If you want to be included in this list, visit the [Translations project page](https://translate.wordpress.org/projects/wp-plugins/custom-post-types/ "Custom post types translations") and start translating. == Installation == To **automatically install** the "Custom post types" plugin you can search from the "Plugins > Add new" section of your WordPress dashboard and click on the "Install Now" button corresponding to this plugin. To **manually install** the "Custom post types" plugin you can download the latest version from the WordPress.org site, and unpack the zip file in the "wp-content/plugins" folder of your CMS. Now on the "Plugins" section of your WordPress dashboard you can see the "Custom post types" plugin, click on "Activate". == Changelog == = 3.0.7 = * Fixed repeater bug on field config = 3.0.6 = * Fixed lodash bug (media & customizer screen) = 3.0.5 = * Remove plugin assets from customizer screen = 3.0.4 = * Compatibility for old PHP = 3.0.3 = * Fixed bug in title and count when deleting management content * Fixed jQuery bug = 3.0.2 = * Customize the permalink base of cpt and taxs = 3.0.1 = * New release of the plugin that introduces many changes = 2.1.19 = * Add hierarchical args for custom taxonomies registration. * Add custom-fields supports args for custom post types registration. = 2.1.18 = * Add Pointfinder compatibility. = 2.1.17 = * Fix: Add automatic flush rewrite rules for new registered cpt. = 2.1.16 = * Fix “The link you followed has expired.” advice when close the support banner. = 2.1.15 = * Remove "Fantastic plugins notices". * Improve plugin notices logic. * Test up WP 5.6. = 2.1.14 = * Fix rewrite rules for created elements. * Rename some labels. * Improve notices feature. = 2.1.13 = * Fix double field options (special thanks to @megalux). = 2.1.12 = * Fix double field options (special thanks to @megalux). = 2.1.11 = * Add author supports for created post types (thanks to @athifroihan). = 2.1.10 = * Fix bug when try to save empty meta value (special thanks to @megalux). = 2.1.9 = * Fix bug for required input when edit field groups. = 2.1.8 = * Fix bug on checkbox field type (at least one value is required in the field options). = 2.1.7 = * Add "textarea (no editor)" field type. = 2.1.6 = * Add "textarea + TinyMCE" field type. (REMOVED) = 2.1.5 = * Fix developer website links. = 2.1.4 = * Add Kadence WP themes compatibility. = 2.1.3 = * Fix capabilities bug for custom field (thanks to @orp7). = 2.1.2 = * Add Aardvark compatibility. * Add Hueman compatibility. = 2.1.1 = * Add Flatsome compatibility. = 2.1.0 = * Fix OceanWP compatibility. = 2.0.9 = * Add BuddyBoss compatibility. = 2.0.8 = * Add Enfold compatibility. = 2.0.7 = * Fix PRO bugs. = 2.0.6 = * Add X theme themes compatibility. = 2.0.5 = * Fix some bugs. * Add qaengine & secretum themes compatibility. = 2.0.4 = * Fix some bugs. * Add checkbox list field type. = 2.0.3 = * Fix some bugs. = 2.0.2 = * Fix some bugs. = 2.0.1 = * Add sanitize function to content id value. = 2.0.0 = * Add API support. * New UI. * Add id field for custom content. * Move metadata from child array to unique metadata. = 1.3.7 = * Fix hierarchical bug for cpt (thanks to @llis). = 1.3.6 = * Fix child themes bug (thanks to @ecoist). = 1.3.5 = * Update template core functions. = 1.3.4 = * Add while(){} theme compatibility for custom templates. = 1.3.3 = * Add OceanWP theme compatibility for custom templates. = 1.3.2 = * Add do_shortcode() for custom field "content". = 1.3.1 = * Add "Advanced views" for tax customizations. = 1.3.0 = * Added custom field: "Relationship between posts". * Customized templates also for "Articles" and "Pages". * Custom fields management optimization. = 1.2.7 = * Add custom fields block for Gutenberg. = 1.2.6 = * Add Blocksy theme compatibility for custom templates and fixes same bugs. = 1.2.5 = * Enable builder for template, fixed custom template core, fixed admin notices for template. = 1.2.4 = * Enabled single post taxonomies metabox for Gutenberg. = 1.2.3 = * Enabled Gutenberg for custom templates. = 1.2.2 = * Fix date/time output format like general options, add show_in_rest support for gutenberg. = 1.2.1 = * Add "Advanced views" for advanced customizations. = 1.2.0 = * Add Astra theme compatibility for custom templates. = 1.1.2 = * The custom templates functionality has been extended to 70% of the themes. = 1.1.1 = * fix custom templates bugs. = 1.1.0 = * BETA. Add custom templates compatibility only for AVADA theme. = 1.0.6 = * Text corrections. = 1.0.5 = * Fixed some bugs. = 1.0.4 = * Fixed a javascript bug when multiple upload file input are in same post type create/edit page. = 1.0.3 = * Fixed some bugs. = 1.0.2 = * Fixed some bugs. * Add php dev functions. * Update readme.txt of the plugin. = 1.0.1 = * Introduce file fields. * Fixed some bugs. * Update readme.txt of the plugin. = 1.0.0 = * Introduce fields manager. * Fixed some bugs. * Update readme.txt of the plugin. = 0.2.0 = * First stable version. * Fixed some bugs. * Added columns to the dashboard. * Fixed the sanitizes function for post types and taxonomies names. * Update readme.txt of the plugin. = 0.1.3 = * Fix bugs and add modal for support us. = 0.1.2 = * Fix load_plugin_textdomain and add Italian lang (Language and Bug). = 0.1.1 = * First fix (Language and Bug). = 0.1.0 = * Improve ux. == Upgrade Notice == = 3.0.7 = Fixed repeater bug on field config = 3.0.6 = Fixed lodash bug (media & customizer screen) = 3.0.5 = Remove plugin assets from customizer screen = 3.0.4 = Compatibility for old PHP = 3.0.3 = Fixed bug in title and count when deleting management content Fixed jQuery bug = 3.0.2 = Customize the permalink base of cpt and taxs = 3.0.1 = New release of the plugin that introduces many changes = 2.1.19 = Add hierarchical args for custom taxonomies registration. Add custom-fields supports args for custom post types registration. = 2.1.18 = Add Pointfinder compatibility. = 2.1.17 = Fix: Add automatic flush rewrite rules for new registered cpt. = 2.1.16 = Fix “The link you followed has expired.” advice when close the support banner. = 2.1.15 = Remove "Fantastic plugins notices". Improve plugin notices logic. Test up WP 5.6. = 2.1.14 = Fix rewrite rules for created elements. Rename some labels. Improve notices feature. = 2.1.13 = Fix double field options (special thanks to @megalux). = 2.1.12 = Fix double field options (special thanks to @megalux). = 2.1.11 = Add author supports for created post types (thanks to @athifroihan). = 2.1.10 = Fix bug when try to save empty meta value (special thanks to @megalux). = 2.1.9 = Fix bug for required input when edit field groups. = 2.1.8 = Fix bug on checkbox field type (at least one value is required in the field options). = 2.1.7 = Add "textarea (no editor)" field type. = 2.1.6 = Add "textarea + TinyMCE" field type. (REMOVED) = 2.1.5 = Fix developer website links. = 2.1.4 = Add Kadence WP themes compatibility. = 2.1.3 = Fix capabilities bug for custom field (thanks to @orp7). = 2.1.2 = Add 2 new themes compatibility. = 2.1.1 = Add Flatsome theme compatibility. = 2.1.0 = Fix OceanWP compatibility. = 2.0.9 = Add BuddyBoss theme compatibility. = 2.0.8 = Add Enfold theme compatibility. = 2.0.7 = Fix PRO bugs. = 2.0.6 = Add X theme themes compatibility. = 2.0.5 = Fix some bugs. Add qaengine & secretum themes compatibility. = 2.0.4 = Fix some bugs. Add checkbox list field type. = 2.0.3 = Fix some bugs. = 2.0.2 = Fix some bugs. = 2.0.1 = Add sanitize function to content id value. = 2.0.0 = Add API support, New UI, Add id field for custom content, Move metadata from child array to unique metadata. = 1.3.7 = Fix hierarchical bug for cpt (thanks to @llis). = 1.3.6 = Fix child themes bug (thanks to @ecoist). = 1.3.5 = Update template core functions. = 1.3.4 = Add while(){} theme compatibility for custom templates. = 1.3.3 = Add OceanWP theme compatibility for custom templates. = 1.3.2 = Add do_shortcode() for custom field "content". = 1.3.1 = Add "Advanced views" for tax customizations. = 1.3.0 = Added custom field: "Relationship between posts". Customized templates also for "Articles" and "Pages". Custom fields management optimization. = 1.2.7 = Add custom fields block for Gutenberg. = 1.2.6 = Add Blocksy theme compatibility for custom templates and fixes same bugs. = 1.2.5 = Enable builder for template, fixed custom template core, fixed admin notices for template. = 1.2.4 = Enabled single post taxonomies metabox for Gutenberg. = 1.2.3 = Enabled Gutenberg for custom templates. = 1.2.2 = Fix date/time output format like general options, add show_in_rest support for gutenberg. = 1.2.1 = Add "Advanced views" for advanced customizations. = 1.2.0 = Add Astra theme compatibility for custom templates. = 1.1.0 = BETA. Add custom templates compatibility only for AVADA theme. = 1.0.3 = Fixed some js bugs (in file field). = 1.0.2 = Introduced some php functions for developer. = 1.0.1 = Introduced the file fields. = 1.0.0 = Introduced the custom fields manager. == Frequently Asked Questions == = What can be created with the "Custom post types" plugin? = With the "Custom post types" plugin you can easily create custom post types, custom taxonomies, custom fields and custom templates. = What can be managed with the "Custom post types" plugin? = With the "Custom post types" plugin you can easily manage custom post types, custom taxonomies, custom fields and custom templates created with this plugin. = Does using the "Custom post types" plugin require technical knowledge? = No! **No technical knowledge is required**, anyone can do it. = How easy is it to create custom post types, custom taxonomies or custom fields with the "Custom post types" plugin? = **Very easy!** More or less 3 minutes. Seeing is believing! = Is the "Custom post types" plugin compatible with my theme? = Of course! The "Custom post types" plugin is **compatible with any themes**. = Is the "Custom post types" plugin compatible with my theme builder? = The "Custom post types" plugin is **compatible with most of the theme builders** on the market, if yours is missing, request it from the Support section. = Is the "Custom post types" plugin compatible with other plugins? = Of course! The "Custom post types" plugin is **compatible with any other plugins**. == Screenshots == 1. Creating / Editing custom post type. 2. Creating / Editing custom taxonomy. 3. Creating / Editing custom field. 4. Creating / Editing custom template.