= 2.4.1 (20/07/2021) = * Misc: WordPress 5.8 compatibility = 2.4.0 (13/05/2021) = * Design: add "Custom CSS" setting; Finally! :) * Design: add "Footer links" color setting * Design: add a list of available shortcodes under the "Text" editor * Bot: make {visitor_name} placeholder work in all messages after the visitor types his name * Misc: add [embed] shortcode for responsive video embeds; Compatible with YouTube, Vimeo, DailyMotion. * Misc: make the exclude mechanism work with Cyrillic characters * Misc: add `wpmm_maintenance_template` filter; It works the same way as the `wpmm_contact_template` filter, but for the maintenance template. * Misc: now you can override the `contact` email template too; Check `/views/contact.php` for more details. * Misc: better compatibility with translation plugins like Loco Translate * Misc: the image uploaders (from the dashboard) are now translatable * Misc: improve uninstall routine * Misc: add `wpmm_delete_cache` action; It is called after each setting change. * Misc: add support for cache plugins like WP Rocket, WP Fastest Cache, Endurance Page Cache, Swift Performance Lite, Cache Enabler, SG Optimizer, LiteSpeed Cache, Nginx Helper; * Misc: remove `wpmm_count_where` helper function * Misc: code improvements = 2.3.0 (07/12/2020) = * Modules: add support for Google Analytics 4 measurement ID * Design: enable media buttons on wp_editor (now you can add images from the editor) * Bot: fix translation issue * Misc: add filters for capabilities `wpmm_settings_capability`, `wpmm_subscribers_capability`, and `wpmm_all_actions_capability` (the last one can be used to override all capabilities) * Misc: fix [loginform] shortcode redirect attribute * Misc: a few CSS & Javascript improvements * Misc: bump "Tested up to" version to 5.6 = 2.2.4 (20/05/2019) = * bump "Tested up to" to 5.2.0 * fix typo in Italian translation (it_IT) * Bot: add a note about how you can export the list of subscribers [#195](https://github.com/andrianvaleanu/WP-Maintenance-Mode/issues/195) * Bot: add client-side sanitization to the input fields [#176](https://github.com/andrianvaleanu/WP-Maintenance-Mode/issues/176) = 2.2.3 (20/02/2019) = * bump "Tested up to" version to 5.1.0 * replace "wpmu_new_blog" action with "wp_initialize_site" action for WP 5.1.0 users because the first one is deprecated in the new version * small improvement to "check_exclude" method from "WP_Maintenance_Mode" class = 2.2.2 (27/11/2018) = * Google Analytics module: migrate from analytics.js to gtag.js + add ip anonymization [#178](https://github.com/andrianvaleanu/WP-Maintenance-Mode/issues/178) * GDPR module: accept links inside texareas + add policy link target [#188](https://github.com/andrianvaleanu/WP-Maintenance-Mode/issues/188) * add charset meta tag [#200](https://github.com/andrianvaleanu/WP-Maintenance-Mode/issues/200) * fix PHP Notice: Undefined index: HTTP_USER_AGENT * add plural and single form translation for subscribers number (settings page) = 2.2.1 (13/07/2018) = * replace create_function; solves [#186](https://github.com/andrianvaleanu/WP-Maintenance-Mode/issues/186) issue and [ticket](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/create_function-deprecated-in-php-7-2-8/) (thanks @ [George Jipa](https://github.com/georgejipa)) * solve "set options on first activation" bug [ticket](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/notice-undefined-index-general-in-srv-www-mysite-test-current/) (thanks @ [George Jipa](https://github.com/georgejipa)) * make (frontend) privacy labels clickable (thanks @ [George Jipa](https://github.com/georgejipa)) * added array key check to avoid notice (thanks @ [Smiggel](https://github.com/Smiggel)) * added instagram icon (thanks @ [bozdoz](https://github.com/bozdoz)) = 2.2 (25/05/2018) = * added GDPR feature = 2.1.2 (04/03/2018) = * fixed a bug that was breaking the plugin after updating from 2.0.9 to 2.1.1 = 2.1.1 (01/03/2018) = * fixed a visual bug with wrap container * added internationalization support for bot fixed strings * fixed path for loading data.js required for the bot (thanks @ [George Jipa](https://github.com/georgejipa)) * added `wpmm_before_scripts` hook, fires just before loading the scripts * moved data.js to uploads directory (thanks @ [George Jipa](https://github.com/georgejipa)) = 2.1 (27/02/2018) = * added bot feature * css fixes * new css transitions for buttons * fixed https problem (thanks @ [George Jipa](https://github.com/georgejipa)) * updated translations, help us! :) = 2.0.9 (29/11/2016) = * new hook (`wpmm_after_body`) in maintenance mode template (thanks @ [Karolína Vyskočilová](https://github.com/vyskoczilova)) * pt_PT (portuguese) language update (thanks @ [Pedro Mendonça](https://github.com/pedro-mendonca)) * maintenance mode template can also be loaded from theme/child-theme folder (thanks @ [Florian Tiar](https://github.com/Mahjouba91) and [Lachlan Heywood](https://github.com/lachieh)) * new hooks for contact form (if you want to add new fields): `wpmm_contact_form_start`, `wpmm_contact_form_before_message`, `wpmm_contact_form_after_message`, `wpmm_contact_form_end` * new hook for contact form validation (if you want to validate new fields): `wpmm_contact_validation` * new hooks for contact form template (if you want to display new fields): `wpmm_contact_template_start`, `wpmm_contact_template_before_message`, `wpmm_contact_template_after_message`, `wpmm_contact_template_end` * some javascript improvements * small css fix for contact form (thanks @ [frontenddev](https://wordpress.org/support/topic/please-fix-modal-window-of-contact-form/)) = 2.0.8 (09/09/2016) = * add wp_scripts() function (in helpers.php) to maintain backward compatibility (for those with WP < 4.2.0) * css fix for subscribe button on maintenance page * fix multisite administrator access issue * pt_PT (portuguese) language update (thanks @ Pedro Mendonça) * new hooks for Contact module: `wpmm_contact_template`, `wpmm_contact_subject`, `wpmm_contact_headers` * jQuery (google cdn) path fix when SCRIPT_DEBUG is true = 2.0.7 (06/07/2016) = * reset_settings _wpnonce check (thanks # Wordfence) * modules > google analytics code sanitization (thanks @ Wordfence) * move sidebar banners from our servers to plugin folder... as WordPress staff requested * Subscribe button error on Mobile version (thanks @ Hostílio Thumbo) * replace $wp_scripts global with wp_scripts() function * de_DE language file update (thanks @ tt22tt) = 2.0.6 (20/06/2016) = * notifications update * languages update = 2.0.5 (17/06/2016) = * roles (array) fix = 2.0.4 (17/06/2016) = * fixed issue: responsive subscribe form * fixed issue: jQuery was loaded from a different folder on some WP installations * fixed issue: errors after update (strstr on empty strings because of saving empty lines on exclude list) * fixed issue: if "Redirection" from "General" tab is active, also redirects ajax calls * fixed issue: settings page title was wrong placed * "contact" feature update - nice email template + reply-to email header * refactoring for some methods * all assets are now minified * rewrite count db records function (used on subscribers count) * compatible with https://github.com/afragen/github-updater * compatible with wp-cli http://wp-cli.org/ * improved responsivity * improved roles access; now you can set multiple roles (editor, author, subscriber, contributor) and administrator will always have access to backend and frontend * it_IT translation by benedettogit (https://github.com/benedettogit) * updated all language files (need help for 100% translation) = 2.0.3 (07/10/2014) = * WP_Super_Cache issue was fixed * fixed "Subscribe" button issue on Safari mobile * fixed color of subscribe-success message (same color as subscribe_text) * "Social networks" module edits: settings for links target + a new social network: linkedin * new module "Google Analytics" * loginform shortcode reintroduced * dashboard link on maintenance page reintroduced * the content editor accepts new css inline properties: min-height, max-height, min-width, max-width. Use them wisely! :) * Settings & sidebar view + old translation files edited * Update from old version 1.x to 2.x issue was fixed * Translate on activation issue was fixed * de_DE translation by Frank Bültge (http://bueltge.github.io/) * pt_PT translation (100% translated) by Pedro Mendonça (http://www.pedromendonca.pt) * ru_RU translation (100% translated) by affectiosus (https://github.com/affectiosus) * nl_NL translation by dhunink (https://github.com/dhunink) * es_ES translation (100% translated) by Erick Ruiz de Chavez (http://erickruizdechavez.com/) * fr_FR translation by Florian TIAR (https://github.com/Mahjouba91) * pt_BR translation by Jonatas Araújo (http://www.designworld.com.br/) * sv_SE translation by Andréas Lundgren (http://adevade.com/) = 2.0.2 (04/09/2014) = * Removed "Author Link" option from General * Countdown - save details fix = 2.0.1 (02/09/2014) = * Reintroduced some deprecated actions from old version (but still available in next 4 releases, after that will be removed) and replaced with new ones: - `wm_head` -> `wpmm_head` - `wm_footer` -> `wpmm_footer` * Multisite settings link fix * WP_Maintenance_Mode: init (array checking for custom_css arrays, move delete cache part into a helper, etc.), add_subscriber, send_contact, redirect fixes & optimizations * WP_Maintenance_Mode_Admin: save_plugin_settings fixes, delete_cache (new method) * Settings & Maintenance views fixes * Readme.txt changes = 2.0.0 (01/09/2014) = * Changed design and functionality, new features * Changed multisite behavior: now you can activate maintenance individually (each blog from the network has it's own maintenance settings) * Removed actions: `wm_header`, `wm_footer`, `wm_content` * Removed filters: `wm_header` * Removed [loginform] shortcode * Some filters are deprecated (but still available in next 4 releases, after that will be removed) and replaced with new ones: - `wm_heading` -> `wpmm_heading`, - `wp_maintenance_mode_status_code` -> `wpmm_status_code` - `wm_title` -> `wpmm_meta_title` - `wm_meta_author` -> `wpmm_meta_author` - `wm_meta_description` -> `wpmm_meta_description` - `wm_meta_keywords` -> `wpmm_meta_keywords` * Added new filters: - `wpmm_backtime` - can be used to change the backtime from page header - `wpmm_meta_robots` - can be used to change `Robots Meta Tag` option (from General) - `wpmm_text` - can be used to change `Text` option (from Design > Content) - `wpmm_scripts` - can be used to embed new javascript files - `wpmm_styles` - can be used to embed new css files - `wpmm_search_bots` - if you have `Bypass for Search Bots` option (from General) activated, it can be used to add new bots (useragents) * Removed themes and now we have a "Design" & "Modules" tabs, where the look and functionality of the maintenance page can be changed as you need = 07/07/2014 = * Switch to new owner, contributor = 1.8.11 (07/25/2013) = * Fixes for php notices in strict mode * Alternative for check url, if curl is not installed = 1.8.10 (07/18/2013) = * Add check for urls, Performance topics * Change default setting of 'Support Link' to false * Fix network settings php notices = 1.8.9 (06/20/2013) = * Allow empty header, title, heading string * Small code changes * Add Support function * Remove preview, will include later in a new release with extra settings page = 1.8.8 (06/05/2013) = * Fix path to localized flash content * Fix preview function * Add ukrainian translation * Add czech translation * Fix exclude function for IP * Security fix for save status via Ajax = 1.8.7 (04/07/2013) = * Add RTL support for splash page * Add Filter Hook `wp_maintenance_mode_status_code` Status Code; default is 503 * Add support for custom splash page; leave a file with this name `wp-maintenance-mode.php` in the wp-content; the plugin use this file The plugin checks in `WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/wp-maintenance-mode.php'` * Small minor changes * Add filter for more date on splash page = 1.8.6 (02/22/2013) = * Remove log inside console for JS * Add support for time inside the countdown * Add filter hook `wm_meta_author`for the meta data author * Add filter hook `wm_meta_description` for custom description * Add filter hook `wm_meta_keywords`for custom meta keys = 1.8.5 (01/24/2013) = * Added new settings for hide, view notices about the active maintenance mode * Changes on source, codex * Fix PHP Notices [Support Thread](http://wordpress.org/support/topic/error-message-in-settings-1) * Change default settings, added ajax * Fix Preview function * Fix uninstall in WPMU * Small updates on styles for login form = 1.8.4 (12/06/2012) = * Fix for include JS in frontend to use countdown * Small mini fix for a php notice * Add charset on spalsh page for strange databases * Enhanced default exclude addresses * Add shortcode `[loginform]` for easy use a login form in splash page * Test with WordPress 3.5 = 1.8.3 = * Fix for the forgotten update of JS-files; slow SVN :( * Minor Fixes = 1.8.2 = * Add different access for Frontend and Backend * Add Rewrite after Login for Frontend Access * Different small changes * Test for WP 3.5 = 1.8.1 = * Add option for value of robots meta tag * Add option for optional admin login = 1.8.0 = * Include all scripts in backend via function * Update datepicker and countdown js * Supported IP as exclude for see the frontend * Add support for flush cache of WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache plugins * Fix for changes in WP 3.3 Multisite = 1.7.1 (12/05/2011) = * fix for WP smaller 3.2* on Network = 1.7.0 (12/02/2011) = * add functionalities to use in WP Multisite * remove message in header, current is not fixed the ticked in core and the message on Admin Bar an Notice is enough * check on WP 3.3RC1 = 1.6.10 (08/30/2011) = * add hint in Admin Bar, if active * small changes for WP Codex = 1.6.9 (06/13/2011) = * Small fix for empty string on custom design = 1.6.8 (04/05/2011) = * Small changes on check for datepicker * Fix for Design monster = 1.6.7 (01/05/2011) = * Bugfix: new check for files for different themes; hope this fix the server errors * Bugfix: fix add default settings * Maintenance: different changes on the syntax * Feature: add check for Super Admin on WP Multisite; has always the rights for access * Feature: now it is possible to exclude feed from maintenance mode * Maintenance: check with 3.0.4 and 3.1-RC2 * Maintenance: update language file: .pot, de_DE * Bugfix: JavaScript error on Bulk Actions on plugins fixed * Maintenance: fix all notice, if set no values = 1.6.6. (10/09/2010) = * Maintenance: many changes on the code; $locale and hook in side frontend * Maintenance: change attribute_escaped to esc_attr with custom method for WP smaller 2.8 * Maintenance: Update german language files * Feature: Shortcodes is now possible in the "Text" option * Feature: no cache header rewrite = 1.6.5 (09/16/2010) = * add new design "Chemistry" by [elmastudio.de](http://www.elmastudio.de/ "elmastudio.de") * changes for include methods of class for preview * changes the possibility for include of language specific flash files = 1.6.4 (09/13/2010) = * add preview functions * bugfix for list in wp-admin/plugins.php * remove datepicker.regional - dont work fine * different small changes * new language file .pot * add flash file and change on plugin for style "Animate" for spanish language = 1.6.3 (07/27/2010) = * bugfix to include stylesheet on maintenance mode message = 1.6.2 (07/08/2010) = * add functions for hint in the new UI of WP 3.0 * add more WP Codex standard source * fix strings in the language and languages files * add datetimepicker-de = 1.6.1 (06/18/2010) = * fix a problem with https://; see [Ticket #13941](http://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/13941) = 1.6 (05/17/2010) = * bugfix for exclude sites = 1.5.9 (05/07/2010) = * change different points * add possibility to wotk with MySQLDumper = 1.5.8 (21/03/2010)= * fix exclude error * add textareas for heading and header fields = 1.5.7 (03/18/2010) = * block admin-area via role * add message for registered users with not enough rights * add message on login-page * different changes = 1.5.6 (02/25/2010) = * changes on css, site.php and different syntax on the plugin = 1.5.5 (02/23/2010) = * SORRY, small bug for the url to jQuery = 1.5.4 (02/23/2010) = * add time for countdown * changes for WP 3.0 * changes on rights to see frontend = 1.5.3 (01/05/2010) = * Fix for JavaScript with WordPress 2.9 * Add new custom fields for fronted: title, header, heading * Fix for setting userrole to see frontend * Change language files = 1.5.2 (01/04/2010) = * add user-role setting * corrected the de_DE language file = 1.5.1 (10/04/2009) = * add small fix * add language files (en_ES, ro_RO) = 1.5.0 (09/28/2009) = * add countdown * change options * change default options * add field for own address to excerpt of the maintenance mode * etc. = 1.4.9 (07/09/2009) = * also ready for WordPress 2.6 * add romanian language files * add italian language file by [Gianni Diurno](http://gidibao.net/ "Gianni Diurno") = 1.4.8 (03/09/2009) = * add design "Damask" by [Fabian Letscher](http://fabianletscher.de/ "Fabian Letscher") * add design "Lego" by [Alex Frison](http://www.afrison.com/ "Alex Frison") = 1.4.7 (26/08/2009) = * change doc-type to utf-8 without BOM = v1.4.6 (24/08/2009) = * add design "Animate (Flash)" by [Sebastian Schmiedel](http://www.cayou-media.de/ "Sebastian Schmiedel") * add new hook for add content `wm_content` to include flash on content * add french language files = v1.4.5 (19/08/2009) = * fix html string in text on frontend * add design "Paint" by [Marvin Labod](http://bugeyes.de/ "Marvin Labod") * add turkish language files = v1.4.4 (18/08/2009) = * add design "Chastely" by [Florian Andreas Vogelmaier](http://fv-web.de/ "Florian Andreas Vogelmaier") * add design "Only Typo" by [Robert Pfotenhauer](http://krautsuppe.de/ "Robert Pfotenhauer") = v1.4.3 (13/08/2009) = * add option for the Text * add option for active maintenance mode * add design "The FF Error" by [Thomas Meschke](http://www.lokalnetz.com/ "Thomas Meschke") * add design "Monster" by [Sebastian Sebald](http://www.backseatsurfer.de "Sebastian Sebald") = v1.4.2 (10/08/2009) = * add design "The Sun" by [Nicki Steiger](http://mynicki.net/ "Nicki Steiger") * now it is possible to add own css and add in settings the url to the css-file = v1.4.1 (07/08/2009) = * small html-fix = v1.4 (06/08/2009) = * completely new code * options menu * new designs by [David Hellmann](http://www.davidhellmann.com/ "David Hellmann")